
Our Projects


Hunger is an appalling problem faced by many developing nations, but the scale of this problem becomes multiple folds when it comes to India.  READ MORE

₹ 45680 raised & collected out of ₹ 6,00,000


The Nagarigam Project is focused on eradicating this issue by addressing this problem from multiple fronts such as educating, spreading awareness etc.  READ MORE

₹ 121000 raised & collected out of ₹ 20,00,000


The Aarokiyam Project is focused on eradicating this issue by addressing this problem from multiple fronts such as educating, spreading awareness etc.  READ MORE

₹ 251001 raised & collected out of ₹ 5,00,000


PADIPHU targets to increase the chances of marginalised children accessing education by fulfilling their needs such as Books, School bags, Stationery, Uniforms etc.  READ MORE

₹ 780000 raised & collected out of ₹ 22,00,000


“Vaazhvadhaaram” is an initiative to increase the employable skills of these rural youth to find their place in the Urban Job Market and start   READ MORE

₹ 1201100 raised & collected out of ₹ 75,00,000

Our Upcoming Events

Blood Donation Drive

Donating blood is a great deed of charity. Hence Our NNT team invites interested people for a Blood donation drive held this Saturday at Manjambakkam truck terminal.

Date:   9th December, 2023, Saturday.

Time:   9:00 AM – 3:00PM

Place:   Manjambakkam truck terminal

Health Checkup

It’s time to get your body checked. Utilize Nourishment for Needy’s free Medical Camp held at Redhills this Saturday. Don’t miss this out.

Date:   23rd December, 2023, Saturday.

Time:   9:00 AM – 3:00PM

Place:   Redhills

Food Distribution

Daily Free food distribution at Vandalur Malaiyadi Nagar.

Date:   28th December, 2023, Thursday.

Time:   9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Place:   Vandalur, Malaiyadi Nagar.